
Open Access Policy (Creative Commons license type: CC-BY-NC)

The Journal of Pediatric Infection adopts an Open Access Policy, and all published content is made freely accessible to the public. The chosen Creative Commons license for the published material is CC-BY-NC (Attribution-NonCommercial), allowing users to share and adapt the content for non-commercial purposes with proper attribution.

Access to Published Content Policy

Our policy ensures that all published content is freely accessible to readers without any subscription or payment requirements. We believe in the open dissemination of knowledge and strive to eliminate barriers to accessing valuable research findings.

Ethical Rules and Code of Conduct

The Journal of Pediatric Infection upholds high ethical standards for authors, reviewers, and editors. Our policies encompass scientific integrity and address issues related to plagiarism. We expect all parties involved in the publication process to adhere to these ethical guidelines, fostering a trustworthy and transparent scholarly environment.

Article Cancellation and Withdrawal Policy

In the event of article cancellation or withdrawal, the Journal of Pediatric Infection has established clear and transparent policies. Authors may request the cancellation or withdrawal of their articles under certain circumstances, and the editorial team will evaluate such requests based on predefined criteria.

Data Policy

Our data policy promotes transparency and reproducibility in research. Authors are encouraged to share their data, and our journal supports the use of recognized data repositories and sharing standards. The aim is to facilitate collaboration, verification, and the advancement of scientific knowledge.

Rejection Policy (Reasons for article rejection, Criteria for rejecting submissions, Final decision by Editor in Chief)

The Journal of Pediatric Infection outlines the reasons for potential article rejection and the criteria for rejecting submissions. The final decision rests with Editor in Chief, who carefully evaluates the manuscript's alignment with the journal's scope, quality standards, and editorial policies.


The Journal of Pediatric Infection adheres to the standards outlined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) in addressing instances of scientific misconduct.

Various forms of scientific misconduct include:
- Falsification of data.
- Plagiarism.
- Improprieties of authorship.
- Violation of generally accepted research practices.
- Redundant publication and duplicate publication.

All accusations of scientific misconduct are treated with utmost seriousness. The manuscript review process will be paused pending a thorough investigation and resolution of these allegations.

Correction and Feedback Policy

Our correction and feedback policy ensures effective communication between authors, reviewers, and editors. Requests for corrections and feedback are communicated via email. Editor in Chief makes the final decision, considering the input from all stakeholders involved in the review and publication process.

Copyright Policy

The Journal of Pediatric Infection specifies its copyright policy to clarify the status of articles and usage rights. Authors retain certain rights, and the chosen copyright policy is designed to balance the interests of authors and the broader scholarly community. The policy also delineates the permissible uses of the published material.