Article Evaluation Process and Ethics

1. Upon the submission of the new manuscript by the author, it is evaluated by the Editor and Co-editors.

2. Journal of Pediatric Infection accepts in principle to confirm to the ethical standards of the Helsinki Declaration ( Therefore, the approval of the ethics committee for experimental and clinical studies and drug investigations must be stated under the heading Materials and Methods or Patients and Methods of the manuscript. The patients or volunteers on whom the study has been conducted must be informed and their approval must be obtained, which must also be stated under the heading Materials and Methods or Patients and Methods of the manuscript. In experimental studies on animals, it should be stated that the study has been conducted in line with the principles of Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals ( and that the ethics board approval has been obtained from the related institution. If regarded necessary, a copy of the approval of the ethics board may be asked for from the authors by the editor.

3. The submitted manuscript is sent to the related Editor (Editor of the Article) by the Editorial Board.

4. A Member of the Editorial Board takes over the authority and responsibility as Editor of the Article. S/He evaluates the article. Having performed an evaluation in terms of plagiarism and ethics, s/he decides one of the following:
a. The manuscript must be passed on to the statistics referee prior to its submission to the referee.
b. The manuscript can be passed on to the referee.
c. The manuscript cannot be passed on to the referee as is; however, if the manuscript is one that can be revised, revision can be demanded with editorial commentary on behalf of the Editorial Board. The manuscript can be then passed on to the referee after it has been revised and checked. In such an event, the related Editor of the Article writes his/her comments, sends them and checks the revised version. The author is given 15 days for revision.
d. If the manuscript cannot be revised in any way and includes methodological error, the Editor of the Article writes his/her comments and reasons for rejection. After other members of the Editorial Board are informed, the manuscript is rejected on behalf of the Editorial Board.

5. In order to shorten the evaluation process, the manuscript is passed on to 3 referees that remain anonymous and match to the manuscript according to their expertise. The referee is given 15 days in order to review the manuscript.

6. Pursuant to the evaluation results of the referees, the author is notified as “Accepted, Revision-Check or Rejected”.